Adopt These Healthy Habits To Clear Some Head Space For Improved Wellness.
You’re a caregiver, a spouse, a professional — not to mention a chef, chauffeur, maid, teacher, and event planner. Sound familiar?
Women naturally assume an exhausting menu of roles, and often take care of everyone else in their lives, neglecting their own health and wellness. Men bear different stresses, and even our children in today’s overprogrammed world are on the go nonstop and can benefit from strategies to help press the pause button and slow down.
We could all use a little more headspace to decrease stress, improve focus and feel better overall. Here are some tips.
Get Out!
Spending time in nature, also referred to as “forest bathing,” is proven to reduce stress. Time outdoors walking, hiking, biking or just watching the clouds float by frees up creativity and can lower your heart rate and blood pressure. Plus, the great outdoors helps you increase your vitamin D levels, which are important for bones, blood cells and your immune system. Nature is a healthy escape for everyone at all ages and stages.
Connect with Others
With post-pandemic hybrid work arrangements, many of us are more isolated than before. This can mean making a more concerted effort to connect with others off the screen. Social connections are important for our health, and stable relationships are key for coping with tough times and stress. Positive connections are equally value in good times so we can share joy, celebrate, and make great memories with others. Reach out to a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Invite a neighbor to take a walk. Plan family outings and take turns deciding the activity. Choose a local group and volunteer so you can meet new people who share your interests.
Rethink Screen Time
Your kids aren’t the only ones who need a reminder to step away from the screen. Adults are equally preoccupied with digital noise—notifications, status updates, social media, and mindless scrolling. Media overload can trigger stress and anxiety. Do you know how much time you spend daily on your mobile devices? Go into settings, select screen time, and take stock. You’d be surprised how frequent text message checks and Amazon shopping adds up. Then take charge and set a goal to minimize mobile device screen time to 3 hours or less. Start by setting down your phone during meals, turn off or limit notifications, and avoid screen time when you’re bored or stressed.
Move It
Exercise releases feel-good endorphins and is one of the most important things you can do for your health. You don’t have to train for a marathon or bike 10 miles to gain the benefits. Just move! Regular activity promotes better sleep and improves focus. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, increases immunity, prevents injury, and contributes to managing chronic health conditions. Exercise is proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Plus, you’ll strengthen bones and build muscle, both of which naturally fade as we age unless we work at it. The key is consistency, so aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise of 15 minutes of intense exercise a day.
Looking for some ways to inject more movement into your day?
Walk during phone calls.
Try a standing desk.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Do yardwork.
Set a Sleep Alarm
Staying up too late to finish all-of-the-things? Skimping on sleep takes a toll on the mind and body. Sleep is considered one of the three pillars of health, along with nutrition and movement. If you believe sleep is a luxury, it’s time for a mindset shift. Sleep is a necessity. Aim for seven or more hours per night for optimum health, and if you find yourself crawling into bed too late most nights, set a sleep alarm as a reminder that it’s time to catch some zzz’s.
Give Meals a Makeover
Life is hectic. We get it and understand why grab-and-go foods and takeout become daily routine. Do you wish your family would cut out the junk and eat more veggies? You got this. Check out more steps for a successful mealtime makeover. Start by giving your refrigerator a thorough “cleanse” to remove drinks and foods that should be treats and everyday eats.
Check in with Your DPC Provider
With direct access to affordable, high-quality healthcare in a welcoming environment, improving your whole health is a partnership — and a journey. We’re in this together. During one-hour appointments at Maple Health DPC, we take the time to address the whole person. Our minds affect how healthy our bodies are, and how we treat our bodies (nutrition, exercise, even posture) can impact mental wellbeing. When you work with a DPC who is your total health advocate, you can enhance your whole health. Let’s connect!
Start the New Year off with a commitment to better health. Courtney Kozek PA-C can help. She is accepting new patients at Maple Health DPC, a full-service, membership-based primary care practice that offers flexible access, longer appointment times, less waiting and a relationship with a practitioner you know and trust. Access affordable, quality healthcare 24/7. Learn more at or call (440) 655-8017.